Come to the RWA STORE for all your school supplies.
It’s easy, convenient and it does not cost more! We have everything that your teachers are recommending:
– Art drawing pencils;
– MIND-POP binders and dividers for grade 7;
– calculators;
– regular pencils;
– pens;
– notebooks;
– bristol boards;
– science fair boards;
– math kits;
– dictionaries;
– and much more! We operate the school store so that the students can readily buy their needed school supplies and uniform needs. We accept cash, cheques and Debit! Don’t waste time and money going somewhere else.
The store is open daily during lunch hour ( 12:25 to 13:15 PM ).
The store is closed temporarily until further notice due to necessary repairs taking place.
Would you like to help us out with the school store? This involves a commitment of one lunch hour every 2-3 weeks; choice of days available. Please contact Cristina Capela : rwastore189@gmail.com